How to copy and transpose in excel
How to copy and transpose in excel

how to copy and transpose in excel

  • Row 3 contains the Annual Salary of the employees.
  • how to copy and transpose in excel

    We need to transpose the horizontal data table into a vertical one with the TRANSPOSE function. The following image depicts the company’s employee ID, Names, and Salary in a horizontal table array. Therefore, the horizontal data table is transposed into the vertical data table. The output comes as follows in the cells H1:M5 as the horizontal representation. Step 2: Type the formula =TRANSPOSE(A2:E7). Column C contains the Unit Price of the products.Next, we must transpose the vertical data table into a horizontal data table with the TRANSPOSE function. The following image depicts a company’s invoice, featuring Invoice ID, Date, Unit Price, Tax, and Total Price in a vertical table array. array = This is the range of cells to be transposed.

    how to copy and transpose in excel

    It takes only one table array which you want to transpose. This function is very simple to understand. The TRANSPOSE function in Excel shifts data from horizontal to vertical representation and vice versa. Step 7: The output comes as follows in the cells F2:M4.Step 6: Select the checkbox “ Transpose” and click “ OK“.The shortcut key for opening the “ Paste Special” window is CTRL+ALT+V. Step 5: The “ Paste Special” window pops up.Step 4: Right-click and click “ Paste Special.”.Step 3: Select the empty cell F2, where you want to transpose the data.Step 1: Select the table array range A2:C9, which is to be transposed.Let us look at the step-by-step explanation of the Paste Special Transpose approach: Column C contains Marks of the students.Column B contains the Names of the students.In the table, the data is reflected as below: Next, we need to transpose the vertical table data into a horizontal data table with the Paste Special Transpose method. The following image depicts the Roll Number, Names, and Marks of 7 art students in a vertical table array.

    how to copy and transpose in excel

    However, this approach is best used when you want to transpose data as a one-off action and do not need to transpose data repeatedly for months, weeks, or days. There are three approaches to TRANSPOSE Excel data. Let us look at those along with examples to understand how to use the TRANSPOSE formula: 1. Transposing Excel data can be tricky and difficult. array = This is the range of cells to be transposed.The following image shows the syntax of the TRANSPOSE() in excel:

    How to copy and transpose in excel